Google Street View of Jurong East Sports Centre.
SINGAPORE: All ActiveSG indoor sport halls will be closed for a “time-out” on Sunday (Jun 28) after safe management measures were breached by a group of badminton players that included a positive COVID-19 case, Sport Singapore (SportSG) said in a news release on Saturday.
On Friday, SportSG was alerted that a user who was COVID-19 positive had played badminton at the Jurong East Indoor Sport Hall on Jun 22.
As a precaution, this branch will be closed from Jun 27 to Jun 28 for “thorough disinfection and cleaning, and a review of the safe management measures in place”.
All other ActiveSG indoor sport halls will be closed on Jun 28 to “ensure that all users of ActiveSG’s Indoor Sport Halls understand the rules and spirit of the SMM (safe management measures)”.
According to SportSG, the positive case and a “large badminton social group” he played with had breached the safe management measures in place.
The group had between them booked up to six badminton courts from 9am to noon, SportSG said.
“During the badminton sessions, there was cross-mixing of players across multiple courts, despite the physical partitions and clear rules that badminton is restricted to four players to a court and that mingling with players on other courts is not allowed.
“These rules that disallow inter-group mixing are in force for all sport and not just badminton,” SportSG said.
“SportSG is investigating this incident and will take strong action against the individual and the other players who have infringed the regulations, including barring them from the use of ActiveSG facilities henceforth,” it added.
SportSG CEO Lim Teck Yin described the incident as “very disappointing”.
“It is very disappointing that some members of the public had not adhered to the rules and circumvented the measures that were put in place by SportSG,” Mr Lim said.
“Such irresponsible behaviour will jeopardise everyone’s efforts to minimise COVID-19 transmission within the community.
“We hope that this ‘time-out’ helps all of us to reflect on how we should work together.”
New measures will also be in place to reinforce adherence to the rules at all its indoor sport facilities, SportSG said.
This includes coloured wrist bands that are to be worn by players to identify different groups for each badminton court and remind players to act responsibly.
SportSG will be also be scrutinising badminton social groups who plan to gather as a large congregation at any venue.
“Individuals involved with such groups, as well as those who play and mix across different courts, will have their bookings cancelled and/or ejected from the indoor sport hall, as well as barred from the future use of ActiveSG facilities.”